How Long Do Porcelain Veneers Last?

Durability is arguably the biggest advantage to having porcelain veneers placed instead of composite veneers. Porcelain is much stronger than resin, and if properly cared for, can last more than ten years, compared to composite veneers which generally need to be replaced every two to five years. In this regard, you may be paying more to have porcelain veneers placed, but they will also last you twice as long.

This does not mean that porcelain veneers are indestructible, however. While veneers can last patients more than ten years, how long your veneers will last will ultimately be determined by the level of care you take in your daily oral health habits.

Caring for Your Porcelain Veneers

After you have completed the process of having porcelain veneers placed, it will be important that you continue to practice good oral hygiene. This will not only increase the longevity of your porcelain veneers, it will also improve your overall oral health.

  • Brush and floss twice daily. If you have an aversion to flossing, explore other flossing options, such as floss picks or interdental brushes.
  • Practice proper brushing techniques. Be sure you are spending enough time (generally two minutes) brushing, and that you are not brushing too vigorously. Talk to your dentist if you are uncertain about your brushing technique.
  • Avoid foods or beverages that are sugary or high in starch. If you do drink sugary liquids, try to use a straw, as doing so limits the exposure of sugar to your teeth.
  • Drink water and swish after every meal to remove food deposits. Food remnants that are not washed away can result in the development of bacteria, which can create unwanted decay.
  • Schedule regular dental exams. Your dentist will let you know the frequency that is recommended for you. Doing so will allow your dentist to not only monitor your porcelain veneers, it will also allow them a chance to identify additional issues before they develop.

In addition to following these best practices, it is also important to take additional precautions to preserve your veneers. If you have issues with teeth-grinding (bruxism), talk to your dentist about the source of the issue and whether or not night guards are right for you. Left untreated, teeth grinding can result in cracked veneers or veneers that need to be replaced sooner.

It is also important to practice commonsense. Never use your teeth as tools to rip open bags or loosen knots. Also, if you engage in physical activities or contact sports on a regular basis, always wear a mouth guard to provide your veneers with extra care. If you follow these best practices, you will increase the longevity of your veneers and enjoy a bright and healthy smile for years to come!

Learn More About Porcelain Veneers : What is the Porcelain Veneer Procedure?