What Is the Porcelain Veneers Procedure?

Porcelain veneers are a popular cosmetic dental procedure for patients who are looking to address and improve teeth that have become chipped, discolored, crooked, or misaligned. There are several different treatment options for these issues, but porcelain veneers are a popular procedure because they are very thin, extremely durable, and match the color of your teeth.

The procedure generally requires several visits. If more visits are required, or several veneers have to be placed, your overall cost and the time involved will increase. Generally though, the process for having porcelain veneers placed begins with an initial consultation, which involves your dentist taking an X-ray and/or impression and photographs of your teeth and mouth so they can begin the customization process.

Following this, you will return so your dentist can prepare your teeth for the veneers. This is done through the removal of a small piece of enamel, which is where the thin porcelain piece will be placed. Although the amount of enamel that will be removed will vary, most trimmings are around .5 to .7 mm.

As soon as the tooth or teeth have been prepped, your dentist will make a custom impression of your tooth/teeth, as well as the surrounding teeth. This mold will be customized to perfectly fit your unique mouth. Once the shape and shade have been determined, a custom mold will be made.

Next Steps

At your next and final appointment, your dentist will clean and polish your teeth, try-in the veneer for proper fit and asthetics, and then prepare to bond and cure your porcelain veneer to your existing teeth.

Once this process is complete and you and your dentist are happy with the shape, color, and overall look and feel of the veneer, your dentist will bond the veneer into place. This will be done by etching an acid gel on the tooth’s surface. This etching allows for the veneer to properly bond to the tooth. After this is done, the gel is washed off and the bond is tightened through the placement of a bonding agent and the shade of the veneer. These are then bonded for one minute through an intense blue light.

Once the bonding is complete, your dentist will clean the teeth and perform any necessary finishing touches and then you will be on your way with a bright and healthy smile!

Learn More About Porcelain Veneers : How much do Porcelain Veneers Cost?