Can You Get Full Mouth Dental Implants?

The short answer is yes, you indeed can get a full mouth of dental implants. Instead of traditional dentures, which are designed to be removed every evening, dental implants are permanent. They have become the gold standard for teeth replacement. Let’s first identify the process for a single dental implant, then expand that into having that process applied to an entire arch, either upper or lower. Then we’ll summarize with the benefits of pursuing this solution for your teeth replacement.

The Dental Implant Process

Developed and introduced in the 1960s this solution has only become even better with the introduction of digital technology into the field of dentistry. If you have either lost a tooth or have had to have a tooth extracted, it is in your best interest to fill that gap in short order. Not only will that gap affect your smile, but the neighboring teeth will want to drift into the space disrupting your bite pattern.

The dentist begins by numbing the soft tissue involved with a local anesthetic. Then a small incision is made to gain access to the jawbone. A small hole is drilled in the jawbone in which a titanium post is inserted. The surgical site is sutured closed, a period of time elapses to allow the post to fuse to the jawbone, and then the dentist goes back in, adds an extension or abutment on to the post to reach the surface. The implant is completed with an artificial crown affixed to the extension. A terrific substitute for a natural tooth.

The Procedure to Make the Dental Implant for an Entire Arch

You have now lost all of your natural teeth in an arch. Your option has always been dentures, then there was the introduction of implant support dentures. These both were removable solutions. Now you can have a full arch of dental implants. This process begins with several weeks of diagnostic planning that will include x-rays and CT scans. The importance of bone density is critical. The planning will include a smile design as well. The physical process begins with the dentist placing six or eight titanium posts in your upper jawbone and four or six in your lower jawbone. The modern technology now allows temporary bridges placed on those posts in the same day. A mouthguard is proposed at night to allow the posts to fuse. After observation and healing time the final bridges are affixed to the posts. You now have permanent artificial teeth, much like your natural teeth.

The Benefits of Full Mouth Dental Implants

The first and most obvious is that they are permanent and do not have to be removed for proper care. You will brush and floss as if they were natural teeth. The real benefits of dental implants are the biting and chewing sensation delivered via the posts, the stability for speech, the natural look for your smile, and the added bonus of the posts fending off atrophy in the jawbone. If you need replacement teeth, schedule a consultation today.

More information on Full Mouth Dental Implant : Full Mouth Dental Implants Procedure