Full Mouth Dental Implants Procedure

A dental implant is the absolute best solution available today to replace a natural tooth. When it comes to projecting that into an entire arch it can get just a bit complicated. We’ll review the process for a single implant and then take that into the procedure for an entire arch. In summary we’ll address the number of benefits in pursuing this option over a set of removable dentures.

The Process for One Dental Implant

Considered the gold standard today for a replacement tooth it can be much better than a dental bridge over time and quality of life. If you have a tooth missing or have had a tooth extracted it is in your best interests to replace that tooth. The neighboring teeth will want to drift into that space which will have a negative effect on your bite pattern. The traditional bridge has and is still an option, but the dental implant is superior.

The dentist introduces a local anesthetic to numb the immediate soft tissue. A small entrance to the jawbone is surgically made so the dentist can drill a very small hole in the bone to place a titanium post. When this step is completed the surgical site is sutured closed. After the post has had time to fuse to the bone an extension or abutment is added to the post to reach the surface. On this extension is permanently placed an artificial crown. Just like that you have a perfect replacement tooth.

The Procedure for Full Mouth Dental Implants

Now if you have lost an entire arch of teeth your traditional solution has been dentures or newer dentures supported with dental implants. Both options are removable. If you wish to have the permanence of dental implants it now can be done. There will be several weeks of diagnostic planning first to take x-rays and CT scans. The goal is to assess the density of your jawbone. The planning will include a smile design upon conclusion. Once the plan is complete either six or eight posts will be placed in the upper arch or four or six in the lower arch. Due to modern technology the dentist can now place temporary bridges on these extensions in the same day. After observation to watch the posts fuse the final permanent bridges will be affixed to the posts giving you full arch of artificial teeth that are permanent.

The Numerous Benefits of Full Mouth Dental Implants

To begin with, they are not removable. You only need to continue to exercise proper oral hygiene to keep these implants healthy. The implants, thanks to the titanium posts, deliver pressure sensations for both biting and chewing. They will also deliver the difference between hot and cold. You will enjoy the stability through speech and of course your smile will be perfectly healthy. An added benefit over a removable solution is that of the health of your jawbone. The posts stymie any atrophy of the bone, so it maintains good bone density. If you are considering teeth replacement schedule a consultation today to research full mouth dental implants.

More information on Full Mouth Dental Implant : How Much Do Full Mouth Dental Implants Cost?