Is Professional Teeth Whitening for Me?

Because teeth whitening in maple grove is a cosmetic procedure, and because there are some risks and costs involved in having the procedure performed, it can be difficult to decide whether or not this treatment is worth pursuing.

As you are considering whether or not to have your teeth whitened, it may be helpful to consider the following questions:

  • Does your dentist think teeth whitening is right for you? Be sure to talk with your dentist to see if you are a good candidate for teeth whitening. Some patients may not be a good fit, due to gum disease or sensitivity. Additionally, some stains are not able to be lightened.
  • Is it worth the cost? This procedure is not generally covered by insurance plans, so you will need to consider how important whitening your teeth truly is, and whether or not it is worth the cost involved.
  • Should you have professional treatment or use an at-home bleaching system? Many patients will opt for at-home bleaching because it is more affordable, however, it is important to be aware that there is an increased risk of experiencing irritation of the gums and potentially damaging other dental work you have had done. For faster, safer, and more effective results with diminished risks, you should strongly consider having your whitening performed in the office.

If your dentist has determined that you are a good candidate for a tooth whitening procedure, there are several different approaches your dentist might take. If your dentist recommends the use of dental trays, a custom tray will be designed to fit your unique dental structure. Next, your dentist will place the trays, in their office, using a higher concentration of bleach that is specially formulated to address any particular sensitivities you might have. Or, if you have decided to apply the trays at home, they will provide you with the trays and give you instructions for proper application.

A third option that is less commonly performed is the laser teeth whitening procedure, which involves placing a bleaching gel on your teeth and then using a laser to heat it up to whiten your teeth.

Be sure to talk to your dentist about the pros and cons of each of these methods.

Other Options

While these in-office professional teeth whitening procedures can be very effective, professional bleaching is not necessarily the appropriate choice for everyone. People who only have mild discoloration may be able to address the issue using a specialized over-the-counter toothpaste, mouthwash, or whitening kit.

Another option is to make lifestyle changes that may be playing a role in your teeth being discolored. The most common culprits for discoloration or staining are poor or improper oral health care, the use of tobacco, or frequent indulgence in teeth staining foods and beverages, such as tea, coffee, or wine. Teeth staining can also be caused by certain kinds of medications. Once you are able to source the cause of the issue, you may be able to take additional measures to correct the problem.

More About Teeth Whitening : Teeth Whitening Risks