How Long Does A Root Canal Take?

Now that you and the dentist have determined that a root canal maple grove minnesota is the best treatment plan for you and your mouth, you need to fit this procedure in your busy schedule. You and the dentist must first talk about whether this can be addressed in one visit or two. One of the other factors to help determine the time commitment is the location of the infection. Front teeth have one root giving the dentist a small area to treat versus the molars with up to three separate roots.

How long does each appointment last?

If you are receiving treatment over two appointments, the first appointment is typically cleaning and shaping the tooth's inside tissue with drilling, filing and rinsing. The dentist most likely will complete this process for this visit. The second appointment is then typically used to address the tooth’s exterior by filling and sealing the disease free space.

Between the two appointments, the dentist may use some type of medicament inside the tooth to help keep the bacteria from coming back. Depending on the infection and the type of medication the dentist chooses for your treatment, the period of time between the two appointments will vary. Most of the time, the second visit is between 1 and 3 weeks following the first.

If you are receiving treatment during one appointment, all of the above mentioned steps will be completed at that time. As a general estimate, any single root canal appointment will last somewhere between 30 and 60 minutes, but in more complicated cases, the dentist may need as long as an hour and a half.

Root canal treatment time is determined by the type of tooth being treated and the number of root canals needed. Incisors, canines, some premolars only have one root to treat whereas molars, and some premolars have up to three roots that may all require treatment.

Which Approach Is Better?

As you might expect, the best treatment plan is the one upon which you and your dentist discuss and agree. It is not as easy as wanting to get it over with in one long visit versus making more than one trip for shorter visits. The most appropriate choice is the one that leaves you with the healthiest mouth in the long term. It is important to properly address and remove the infection that caused this pain and the need for the treatment in the first place. The severity of your infection may require weeks of antibacterial medications or oral antibiotics before sealing the tooth to ensure no infection will return.

After Care

Proper oral care and habits can help you keep your dentist visits to regular checkups and cleanings. When your dentist treats any infections and restores your mouth to good health, you need to follow up those steps at home to ensure the highest success rate possible. Brushing and flossing twice a day is the first way to keep your mouth as healthy as possible in between your twice yearly visits and cleanings at the dentist office.

More About Root Canals : How Much does a Root Canal Cost?