How do I cure gum disease?

To cure is to relieve a person of the symptoms of a disease or a condition. An acceptable symptom when dealing with maple grove gum disease is to treat the disease successfully. A professional intervention from either your family dentist or a periodontist is necessary to perform the necessary treatments to reverse the disease. Let’s look at what causes gum disease and the procedures at the different levels of the disease.

What causes Gum Disease

The biggest contributor to gum disease is very simply, poor oral hygiene on your behalf. If you forget to brush your teeth on a regular basis you are allowing a sticky substance to form on your teeth called plaque. If a healthy mouth has between one million and two million bacteria present at all times, when you don’t brush that number can jump tenfold. When that plaque comes in contact with the gums it will infect the soft tissue immediately.

The Treatment for Stage One-Gingivitis

Unfortunately gum disease is painless. That is probably why almost half of the American adults over the age of 30 have some form of gum disease. The first signs or symptoms are swollen gums and gums that turn a darker pink. You will also experience consistent bad breath. At this point the disease is easily reversible. The treatment is a good thorough teeth cleaning. The dentist will scrape and scale all the plaque from your teeth. Depending on the severity of the gum disease scaling will go below the gum line. Once the plaque is removed an antibiotic might be prescribed and the gums will be healthy again in only several days.

The Treatment for Stage Two-Periodontitis

If the disease is allowed to advance to this point it becomes more serious and you may be looking at permanent damage. The signs now are that your gums will become tender to the touch and they will begin to bleed. The gums will also start to sag away from your teeth creating pockets. These pockets will capture food particles accelerating the disease even more so.

At this point the dentist still starts with a thorough teeth cleaning and deep scaling. The scaling must go further down the root now which might include some minor surgery. The roots need to be planned to remove the plaque and make the surface smooth to make it difficult for the plaque to adhere to. At this point you may have bone loss and even loose teeth. A mouth guard may be introduced to let the loose teeth and surrounding tissue heal.

The Best Cure is to Prevent

The health industry strongly suggests that you brush your teeth twice a day for a least two minutes each time. They also want you to floss between your teeth once a day. These simple little practices control that damaging plaque and therefore the chance for gum disease. Seeing your dentist twice a year for checkups and professional teeth cleaning is also a very good habit to develop. Take care of your teeth, your gums, and your smile.

More on Gum Disease : Symptoms of Gum Disease