What are dental implants?

Do you have any missing teeth, or have you lost a tooth recently? Replacing that missing tooth with a dental implants may be the perfect solution for you. What exactly is a dental implant? Overall, the dental implant procedure can sound a bit overwhelming. Below is some information and tips to help you make a decision about whether or not a dental implant is right for you.

The primary purpose of a dental implant is to replace a missing tooth. The implant is a titanium post that is inserted into your jawbone right below the gums. This implant is put in place during an outpatient, surgical procedure. After the implant is in place, and it has had time to integrate into your bone, your dentist will attach an artificial tooth on top of it, creating a brand new tooth for you.

Why is a dental implant the way to go?

There are alternatives to dental implants that maybe cost less and don’t require outpatient surgery. These other options, including dentures and bridges, are popular alternatives. The difference is that a dental implant is permanently secured in your mouth, whereas dentures are not. Over time, dentures and bridges can become loose which can lead to pain, soreness, and the creation of ridges on your teeth. Also, to help make sure a bridge or dentures fit somewhat securely, your dentist may choose to reshape the adjacent tooth by grounding them down. With dental implants, no work is done to any other teeth. During the surgical procedure, the dental implant is securely placed in the jawbone. Over time, the jawbone will heal around the implant, securing it in place. It is possible to attach dentures or bridges to an implant, which would help make sure they are secure and do not slip or become loose. The implant itself acts like the root of a tooth. This gives dental implants an advantage over alternatives, as they are stable, durable, and secure.

Things to consider

Does a stable, secure replacement tooth sound like just what you want? Before signing up for a dental implant, there are some additional details you may want to know.

  • Before your dentist commits to placing and implant, they will need to confirm that you have sufficient bone to effectively support an implant. It is important that the bone and gums can support the implant and heal appropriately. After the implant is placed, it is very important to maintain good oral hygiene. This is essential to the healing process.
  • Next, it is important to have a discussion with your dentist about the estimated costs of a dental implant. The implant procedure is an investment in your oral health. An implant may be a higher cost than some of the alternatives. However, the dental implant will definitely last longer. Once the implant procedure is completed, from start to finish, it will function just like a natural tooth.

More On Dental Implants : What is the Dental Implant Procedure?