How Much Do Dental Crowns Cost?

Crowns are used to treat a number of dental problems. Extensive decay that cannot be repaired with a filling; root canal treated teeth; fractured or broken teeth, these can all be restored using dental crowns in maple grove. Crowns are a little more invasive that fillings but your dentist will determine which method of treatment is best for you.

Consultation and Treatment Planning

First thing’s first! Consultations are a great first step in deciding your best path of treatment. Some doctors offer consultations at no cost but if impressions and x-rays are taken, you may incur a small fee up to $400. If you just want to chat, you may be charged an office visit fee. Each office is different but this is a nice way to determine where you want to be treated.

The material used to fabricate the crown will affect the cost. If your dental provider is able to make your crown in the office and not have to send it out to a lab, the cost may be less. Speak with your dentist to see how much you could be charged. Once you have that for comparison, give some referrals a call to see what they charge.

While waiting for your permanent crown to be fabricated, your dentist will place a temporary crown to protect the compromised tooth.

Prolonging the Longevity of Your Crown

Your dentist will make sure your crown fits over your tooth very tightly so that food and debris cannot get between the two surfaces. If the crown is not snug, decay can develop under the crown, causing it to require replacement. Making sure to practice good oral hygiene will greatly increase the number of years your crown can last.

How Much Do Crowns Cost?

Crowns range from $750 to $3,500 depending on the type of crown and the material used. Implant crowns will always be more costly than a regular crown because there are more parts involved. Dental insurance can help absorb some of the cost of a crown and your dental office may offer in house financing options or may use a third party financing company. Ask your dentist about your payment options before scheduling for treatment so you are well prepared and know what will be expected of you.

Materials Used for Crowns

There are three materials more commonly used in the fabrication of dental crowns. They are porcelain, porcelain fused to metal, and metal. The choice of material can affect the cost of your crown since the price of metals fluctuates.

Selecting the Right Dentist

Some dentists have the technology in their office to fabricate and place a porcelain crown in one visit. It is important to choose the best dentist for you and if a dentist that can treat your tooth in one visit sounds like it could be ideal for your schedule, do a little research to see which provider might be best. A lot of dentists still rely on dental labs to fabricate their prosthetic cases which will require two visits or more, if the crown does not fit properly at the second visit. Make a decision on what is important to you and schedule treatment as soon as possible.

More on Dental Crowns : What are the different types of dental crowns?